Leave a Gift in your Will
We are a registered charity and rely on income from visitors and supporters to meet running costs and to help develop the Museum displays and collections. Leaving a gift in your Will, after you have taken care of friends and family, can have a transformational impact on our work.

Ainize, one of our passionate volunteers and the Museum's Treasurer, tells us why she supports our Museum:
“I first learned about our Museum through another trustee during a work placement together. Her talk of Glencoe sparked my curiosity and before I knew it, I’d applied to become a trustee for this amazing organisation.
For the local community, our Museum is a repository of heritage and a place to bridge the past and the future. A feeling of connection to heritage is an important part of wellbeing, so our aim is to help people across the world reconnect with their roots. That’s why it is vital that we protect our collection and tell the stories of Glencoe and the Highlands - fact and folklore alike!
I have been volunteering as a trustee for three years and I have taken on the role of Treasurer meaning I am responsible for invoicing, payroll and cash flow, plus a few other things. We are a small team, so staff and trustees are kept very busy, but when I see the impact our Museum has on people, it makes it all worth it.
Something I wish we could do more of, is restoring the many fascinating objects which have been discovered in old houses, on archaeological digs or have washed up on the shore of a loch. Often the cost of restoring these artefacts is high, and receiving a Legacy gift from a kind supporter enables us to undertake these special projects.
If you are considering supporting the Museum, but don't have the finances to make a donation right now, then pledging to leave a gift in your Will is a great way to help us look after our wonderful collections now and in future. Or perhaps you already support the Museum, and you want to make one final contribution so that future generations can enjoy our Museum as much as you do. We would be so grateful for your support" - Ainize, Museum Treasurer
Your generosity will allow us to continue our work with schools and the local community and to ensure that Glencoe’s history continues to be recorded to entertain and educate future generations. Here a few ways in which your gift can support our Museum and our community:
£1,500 will cover the professional conservation of an artefact for display such as a sword from Culloden or a piece of Jacobite costume
£7,500 could fund a 6-month youth training placement inc. a student bursary
£25,000 could fund the conservation costs for a large and important historical artefact such as the Eilean Munde ‘coffin boat’
£5,000 will cover three years’ equipment and materials for school and community activities and touring exhibitions
£500 could fund a School Visit or Outreach Session
We would recommend that you consult a solicitor when first preparing a Will.
Under current law your estate is liable for Inheritance Tax at a rate of 40% on its taxable value above a certain threshold which can easily be reached by owning an ordinary house in some parts of the country. Legacies to registered charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax and can therefore reduce the tax burden on your estate.
If you choose to leave us a gift in your Will, there are 2 options:
Bequeath a specific sum by including the following text in your Will;
‘I bequeath to Glencoe Folk Museum, Glencoe, Highland, PH49 4HS, SCIO SC002786 the sum of £……………..’
2. Bequeath a percentage of your residuary estate* by including the following text in your Will;
‘I bequeath (xx%) of my residuary estate to Glencoe Folk Museum, Glencoe, Highland, PH49 4HS, SCIO SC002786’
*Your residuary estate is the remainder after any inheritance tax, other liabilities, administration and specific legacies have been paid. This form of gift is extremely helpful because sums fixed in monetary terms fall in real value with inflation.
You Will should also include the sentences:
‘I direct and declare that unless otherwise directed all legacies and bequests of residues to charities in this Will are for the general purposes of such charity and with freedom to spend the capital sum in each case’.
‘The receipt of any person who appears to be the proper officer of any charity which benefits from my Will shall be a complete discharge to my Trustees’.
If you wish, you could tell us why you have decided to remember Glencoe Folk Museum in your Will. We would love to hear your story for our archive.
Contact redevelopment@glencoemuseum.com